
On a mission!

My closet is a wreck.
Actually my whole bedroom is a wreck. It looks like a train ran through after a tornado blew it over during a fire that was put out after a flood. Yes. It's bad.

...and something smells wonky.

That is never good.

I don't know why but since the divorce, I put myself LAST in every aspect. I seldom buy things for me first, or do what I need in any order, but absolutely dead freakin last.

My attitude towards my bedroom needs to change. I need to make the time to clean and organize something for me. Now. Oh please now. lol

As a teenager I LOVED my bedroom. It was my sanctuary. It held all my treasures, books and posters. It was a sacred place for me.

Now it's just a big pile of laundry and unfinished craft projects...and where is my bed? haha

So, it's my plan to organize and clean out my WHOLE bedroom in it's entirety. I don't think I will do photos before and after because frankly...it's gross and kinda embarrassing. It's like when someone calls you at midnight and you're chugging down oreos and milk. That feeling of shame because you know...eating oreos alone at midnight means you have a problem.

My bedroom is a problem.

I need to stop reading blogs, and websites that are going to show me how to magically clean and organize my bedroom as well. Because I can read about it all the live long day and not do a thing...(like now because I'm blogging about my messy room. haha)

Ok. Off to clean!

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