
My mother, God bless her!

My mother is someone who keeps her opinions to herself.

When she does crack open her big book of advice, you can be guaranteed it will be opened gently and the advice given is given with love and respect.

Today my mom gave me some advice...and I didn't like it. LOL.
But, she's totally right. TOTALLY.

I prayed about it and I realized that I have not made this particular thing a priority in my life. Its sort of on a shelf...waiting for another day and another time for me to deal with. But after my mother outright saying to me, "You need to-" and in that firm motherly tone. It's stuck.

God uses things like that. I know it takes a lot for my mom to come out and tell me something about myself that isn't that obvious. It's not something anyone else had recognized in me. God bless my mother!

On a funny side note. I told my sister about what I had told Momma and what our exchange had been and she texted me and said: "Mom told me she felt a need to talk to her kids about some things, but she was torn on doing it or not. I told her she had every right to love us and tell us what she thought she should be telling us."

Next text: "Sorry, I didn't know she was going to start with you. LMAO."

I hope I will always love, respect and advise my children like my mother does for me.

God bless my sister and my momma!!!

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