Desperate Housewives?
Do you ever feel 'desperate'?
Often I'm lonely.
I watched parts of the first season of the show "Desperate Housewives." It had a pretty good pilot and the few episodes following were thrilling and absorbing. But, it showed me a huge hole in my life. I realized really quick that I identified with the women this show portrayed.
Not in the good way! I long for stability. I want to be rich. I beg for a little less on my plate.
I run around looking for 'things' that will satisfy my soul.
Lemme tell you.
Things don't.
Too often I pick up the phone to call my friends when I'm lonely. I need someone to talk to, hash things over with. Too often I go shopping when I'm bored. I buy things I don't need. Spending money I don't have. I eat because there is nothing else to do. It doesn't taste good, and I am not hungry.
Desperate. Always wanting something or someone to fill that void in me.
It's pointless.
A quote from Randy Alcorn:
"We're not going to be satisfied with any person less than Jesus, and we're not going to be satisfied with any place less than heaven."
The answer isn't here. If it's a person, a thing or the mall. The answer isn't there. It's in Christ and your relationship with Him.
Psalms 25:16-20 says
16 Turn to me and be gracious to me,
for I am lonely and afflicted.
17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged;
bring me out of my distresses.
18 Consider my affliction and my trouble,
and forgive all my sins.
19 Consider how many are my foes,
and with what violent hatred they hate me.
20 Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me!
Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.
Can't get any more desperate than that...can you? Being desperate isn't so bad...but what are you desperate for? And if you're desperate for people, places and things...rethink it. If you're in're never going to find peace outside of him.
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